Clinic Da Vinci Oral and Dental Health Center
Dental Surgery

Oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery includes the treatments of deformities, cystic or tumoral pathologies that develop in both soft (cheek, palate, tongue, lips, muscles, etc.) and hard tissues (teeth, bones) in the mouth. In addition, it is also used for mending tooth and jaw fractures, removal or maintenance of erupted or impacted teeth, and prosthesis construction.

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Apical resection is the presence of infection at the tip of the tooth root and its treatment method. This abscess, which damages both soft tissues and bony tissues and makes the person extremely uncomfortable, is tried to be removed by opening the gingiva and creating a treatment area where the abscess is located. In the window that opens, the existing infection is cleaned meticulously. After making sure that it is thoroughly cleaned, almost one-third of the tooth root is removed from the area. In order to prevent the formation of an abscess on the tip of this operated tooth, a buffer is made and closed. Afterwards, the gingiva is closed and left to heal to the extent that the dentists appreciate.

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